Blanket And Roller Washer


Non-blind Gum -5lt Drums

Non Blind Gum is a synthetic gum with no desensitizing properties. It is preserved and filtered and it can be used on machine plate processors, it is a straight substitute for gum Arabic in the plate and press room. Non Blind Gum is environmentally friendly product which is water based and non-hazardous .Its cleaner and safer and it optimizes working conditions.

2-in-1 Fount-25lt/210lt Drums

Fountain Solutions

This fountain solution is for alcohol damping presses. No other fountain solution required .Just add water. 2 in 1 fountain solution replaces I.P.A and eliminates the need for a separate fountain doser on alcohol damping presses. Safer to use as it reduces the operator error in mixing chemicals. It also reduces V.O.C in the factory. You only have to stock one chemical instead of two thus eliminating the disadvantage of storing neat alcohol on the premises. It has higher flash point then I.P.A. water settings are reduced by approximately 25% and ink settings by 10% Advantages: Faster ink drying and colour balance on changeover of jobs. Clean Back Cylinders.


Isopropylol Alcohol-25lt/210lt/1000lt Drums

Contains 100% alcohol comprising approx 85% I.P.A and 15% ethyl alcohol, used as a straight substitute for I.P.A Can be used with all types of inks and stocks, a more flexible choice of product.


Bart-5lt/25lt/210lt Drums

This product is excellent for changing colours on all presses, if used on litho presses it has to be followed through with blanket wash or mineral turps but on letterpress machines it is not necessary .As its name implies it is a blanket and roller troubleshooter. Follow through with water for sparkling clean rollers. It can be used diluted with water to eliminate lint on blankets. Can be used with all types of inks and stocks and can be washed off using water.

Blanket And Roller Wash – 25lt/210lt/1000lt Drums

In saddle stitching, consistency matters most. Our premium bookbinding wire promises size, tensile, cast and finish that you can depend on-spool after spool. We can provide all your stitching wire needs, wire is available in round wire or flat wire, galvanized, tin and copper finishes or nylon coating.


Ep32 Developer -5lt/25lt/210ltr Drums Positive Hand Developer-5lt/25lt

This product is water based and non hazardous, this optimizes working conditions making it cleaner and safe.

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